I let our big guy pick his own color for the cast. I thought for a while it would be red but orange won the day. His Uncle Mike and Aunt Nikki are so proud! Earlier in the day, our friend Susan advised me to let him pick any color but one...if you know Susan very well (and even if you don't), you can guess which color that was.
The last picture was taken right before he went to "bed" in one of our Lay-Z-Boys. I think he was trying to approximate the amount of stuff he normally crams into the lower bunk in his room. For now, we have two people sleeping in the living room. I hope his snoring doesn't wake me up tonight.
P.S. Due to some quick work by Aunt Nikki, we were able to get his leg casted on Friday afternoon instead of waiting until Monday. I'm very thankful for having that done before the weekend. In a few weeks we may move to a shorter cast that will also allow him to take baths. Our whole house will be thankful for that!
I am so glad to have stumbled across your new blog! I was just thinking of you guys this week. We had a visitor at our church here in Denver from Alameda this past Sunday. I won't remember his name - but he is a very tall, thin, older man with thinning white hair - I think he was Marilee's host dad way back when - also maybe an elder? His voice in the hallway at church was a neat reminder of Alameda. We think of you guys often.
By the way, you gave us some tips when you visited us a couple years ago when we lived in Farmington, NM. Leapfrog videos! They work! Our oldest will start Kindergarten in the Fall and I think she's ready. (Don't know if I am!)
With Love,
Jill (Welch) Cooper and Josh
Mark, I'm so glad to have found you blogging again as well. Sorry about Marcus' recent leg break!
Marli looks absolutely beautiful in your daddy/daughter pic.
Love the title of your blog, ain't it the truth?
Sorry, that was me!
Okay, just delete these comments since I also used your kids names. Must not be my night for bloggin. :)
We love your family and think of you often.
I heard you had a new blog. So glad I found it. I love to see pictures of your kiddos. M1 looked beautiful at the daddy/daughter ball. Russ took Maddie to one too. M2 looked good on his crutches at church. He'll have one strong leg to kick a soccer ball with when he's done with this cast thing. And I can't believe M3 is all ready 2! I love his big boy haircut!
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